WOW Air Will Pay You And Your Bestie To Move To Iceland And Travel All Summer

Unsplash/Davide Cantelli
Okay, we’ve played around before with the phrase “dream job.” We called the chance to live in Buckingham Palace and plan garden parties the dream. We said the same of the professional slacker gig in Sweden and the videographer position that has you biking across Africa. It’s a little “boy who cried wolf” — except that all the wolves were pretty cool. But this wolf is the real deal. Mixed metaphors aside, we’re drooling over WOW Air’s new travel guide job posting.
WOW Air is looking for a travel guide to cover all of the destinations that the airline does. If WOW Air flies there, they want the guide on the ground turning their expertise into advice for other travelers as they explore. And that travel expert could be you.
Scratch that — it could be you and your best friend because WOW is looking for a “dynamic duo” to take on the journey.
You and your bestie would move to Rekyavik, Iceland for the summer and spend the next three months going out on expeditions to some of the 38 destinations where the airline flies.
Once you’re there, your task is to discover the local secrets (places to eat, drink, hike, dance, etc.) and then make videos, Instagram stories, photo series and, of course, the eventual written travel guide. You’ll do the practical parts of the job from downtown Reykjavik — you know, the place half the world wants to visit this summer on their vacations — and spend the rest of your time out on the road.
But before you start packing your bags, you still have to be the lucky partnership to get the position. Like all the best viral dream gigs, this one starts with a video application. To make sure you’ve got the skills to do the job, you have to submit a video travel guide to your hometown as part of your application.
The application opened today, so get on that video, y’all. We’re rooting for you and your Icelandic future.
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