You Gotta Get Your Hands On These CBD Oil-Infused Mac ‘N’ Cheese Dumplings

CBD Oil Dumplings New York City


As if mac ‘n’ cheese dumplings aren’t indulgent enough to cure all of your rainy day blues, Mimi Cheng’s dumpling shop is infusing them with CBD oil.

When we talk about cannabidiol, AKA CBD oil, we’re talking about one of the many compounds found in the cannabis sativa plant (not to be confused with marijuana) that scientists now believe to have some therapeutic effects without creating a psychoactive high.

Mimi Chengs, a trendy New York City dumpling shop with a focus on smartly sourced ingredients (many of which are organic), partners with a different restaurant, chef or influencer each month to come up with some crazy dumpling collaborations.

These off-the-menu September dumplings are made with three different types of cheese, and there’s a crumbled topping on the outside for extra crunch. The dumplings are pan-fried and come with a spicy cheese sauce for dipping. Inside, you’ll find piping-hot, stringy mac ‘n’ cheese that’s all kinds of salty and creamy. If you ask us, the entire experience is pretty magical.

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We bet you’ll be twice as relaxed after eating an order of these babies. If you’re in the New York City area this month, get your hands on these cheesy dumplings before it’s too late.


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