These Are The Most Creative Foods You Can Smuggle Into A Movie Theater

There’s only so much candy and popcorn you can eat at the movie theater before you get bored. No one ever said you had to be boring with movie snacks. When you think about it, does anyone actually check your bag at the movie theater? As long as your snacks are concealed, there’s a good chance you’ll get away with it. Worst case scenario: They’ll take away your food and you’ll have to buy that $9 box of candy after all.
There’s no reason you can’t smuggle a cheeseburger into the movies. Once it’s all wrapped up and ready to go, you can tuck it somewhere deep in your bag. Even if you went to a movie theater where they check bags, it’s pretty easy to hide a burger (Shake Shack, here we come). There’s no reason to buy a sad movie theater hot dog when you can smuggle in a cheeseburger.
Depending on how ambitious you are, you can sneak in a whole pizza and pass the slices around to all of your friends. Or, bring a couple sheets of tin foil and wrap up the slices before you head into the theater. Single slices are even easier. Make sure you have a few plastic bags and napkins with you so the grease doesn’t drip everywhere.

Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Get your dumplings to go and you’ll be living the good life in that movie theater. Since it’s dark in there, no one has to know you’re using a fork instead of chopsticks. The soy sauce component might be a challenge, but anything is possible if you just believe.
We’ve never seen an official rule against pasta in a movie theater. Mac and cheese might not be the creamiest after it’s been in your bag for a while, but spaghetti with marinara, cold sesame noodles or zucchini noodles with pesto would all hold up on the way over to the theater.
If you can navigate a pair of chopsticks in the dark, you can smuggle a few sushi rolls into the theater. Simple rolls like salmon avocado or spicy tuna might be best for this situation. But heads up, if you get a roll with all kinds of elaborate toppings, it might get all smushed while it’s bouncing around your bag.
Ice Cream
We’re going to say no to an ice cream cone, but you easily sneak in a pint of your favorite ice cream. As long as you can seal it up tight and you remember to eat it right away, you should have no problem. You might be able to buy a frozen Snickers bar at the movie theater, but there’s no way they’ll have your favorite pint of Ben & Jerrys or Halo Top.
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