5 Of The Best Ways To Sell Clothes Online That Aren’t eBay

Unsplash/ Becca McHaffie
It’s time to get rid of that sparkly dress you haven’t worn since New Year’s Eve two years ago, along with last season’s neglected blazer. Let’s clean out the closet, provide your belongings with new homes and make some easy cash at the same time. For those who are unlucky with eBay or just want to try a new resource, we came up with five of the best websites (and apps) to turn your unwanted clothes into easy savings and a perfectly organized closet.
1. Poshmark
Poshmark is the perfect match for people who want to take control of their clothing sale experience. Users create listings for their products, creating a description, posting pictures and setting a price on the app or website for potential buyers. After the item is purchased, Poshmark provides a prepaid, pre-addressed label for the package and the money from the sale is added into the seller’s Poshmark account. It’s an easy and simple resource to reach a large audience, and it’s relatively fast, too.
2. ThredUP
If you’re not as interested in controlling the experience, try ThredUP, which basically does the work for you. Sellers simply request a “Clean Out Kit” that includes a prepaid, pre-addressed shipping label. They fill the envelope with clothing and accessories and send it back to ThredUP. The company decides what items to keep and if you’re officially ready to part with the “unwanted” items, ThredUp will distribute leftovers to third-party sellers. There’s just one catch: If you do want the items back, there’s a small fee involved.
3. Facebook Marketplace
It might seem obvious, or maybe you’re missing out on the easiest selling experience that’s right in front of your face. Through Facebook Marketplace, you can sell all different types of items with no seller fees or taxes involved. There’s no new account necessary, either. Just log into Facebook and start selling.

4. Mercari
So, you can sell just about anything on Mercari. Sports gear, home goods, technology — you name it, you can probably sell it on Mercari. The app allows you to upload a picture of your product and list it at whatever price you like. When the sale is complete, there is a flat 10 percent fee. There are no meetups necessary – printable shipping labels are emailed to the seller at their convenience.
5. Crossroads Trading
What’s cool about Crossroads Trading is that you can actually shop for second-hand goods in person at stores across the United States while the online sale features make selling clothes simple and easy. Sellers just need to request a free bag with a prepaid return shipping label to send in their items. Although the site looks for “name-brand, on-trend” clothing, whatever items aren’t selected can be sent back to you or donated to charity for a small fee.
Now that you know where to sell your clothes, it’s time to start cleaning out that closet!
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