4 Inspiring Pieces Of Advice From Apple CEO Tim Cook That Will Help You Win The Day

Youtube/Duke University
Apple CEO Tim Cook delivered the 2018 commencement speech at Duke University on Sunday, May 13. And his words of wisdom aren’t just for new grads. Cook gave advice on how to live better based on the challenges and successes he’s experienced. These four tips will not only help you in your career, but also in life.
1. Use your skills for the greater good.
“Whatever you choose to do with your life, wherever your passion takes you, I urge you to take the power you have been given and use it for good. Aspire to leave this world better than you found it.”
2. Dare to think, and be, different.
“No big challenge has ever been solved, and no lasting improvement has ever been achieved, unless people dare to try something different. Dare to think different.”
3. Don’t settle on the status quo.
“Be the last to accept the notion that the world you inherit cannot be improved. Be the last to accept the excuse that says, ‘that’s just how things are done here.’ Duke graduates, you should be the last people to accept it. And you should be the first to change it.”
4. Practice, then master, fearlessness.
“If you hope to change the world, you must find your fearlessness… Fearlessness means taking the first step, even if you don’t know where it will take you. It means being driven by a higher purpose, rather than by applause. It means knowing that you reveal your character when you stand apart, more than when you stand with the crowd.”
Watch Cook’s speech below and read the transcript here.
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