5 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Watching ‘Shark Tank’

Unsplash @Steve Harvey
We don’t know about you, but “Shark Tank” makes us want to get off our couches and start businesses immediately. It also happens to be seriously entertaining. In fact, “Shark Tank” can teach you about a lot more than negotiation tactics and market value. There are loads of life lessons packed in along the way. The critically acclaimed and multi-Emmy award-winning reality show features multiple self-made, multi-millionaire and billionaire tycoons as they search for the most worthy businesses and products that America has to offer. In light of the start of season 10, here are five of the best life lessons you can learn from watching “Shark Tank.”
1. Preparation is key.
We all cringe at the moment when one of the “sharks” asks an entrepreneur a question and he or she doesn’t know the answer. Moral of the story? You don’t ever want to be that person. And if you do your homework, you probably won’t have to be. Whether it’s walking into a business meeting or attending a networking event, you will feel your best when you did your research first. That way, you are prepared for anything – even a question from Mr.Wonderful!
2. Be confident in what you say and how you say it.
Now that you did your research, it’s all about the delivery. When you think back to successful contestants, you’ll notice a pattern in their pitches: they speak with conviction. But that makes sense. How are the sharks supposed to believe in what you’re saying if you don’t believe in it yourself? We all deal with nerves and insecurities, but a little confidence never hurts. So, take a deep breath, stand up a little taller, and speak with authority. Cue the power pose!

Unsplash @Brooke Lark
3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
In can be hard to accept it in the moment, but sometimes, you just can’t know it all. And that’s totally okay. In fact, asking questions shows curiosity and an eagerness for growth. It’s also a great way to get what you want. Some of the best “Shark Tank” deals are born when a Shark makes an offer and the contestant asks a question – be it countering for more or simply wanting to know why the shark made that offer. As long as you speak with respect and confidence, your inquisitiveness could lead to big rewards.
4. And when you do, listen to the answers.
Just as it’s important to talk, it’s equally as important to listen. Most evidently, this truth applies in business and throughout life in general. Even if you ask a question and don’t get the answer you want, you may learn something just as valuable from the conversation. Often times, contestants walk away without a deal but with wisdom — and that’s priceless.
5. Always get back up and try again.
Sometimes contestants blow their opening pitches. Other times they lose deals merely because of their previous business mistakes. But what “Shark Tank” teaches you is that you can’t let those mishaps keep you down. The beloved shark Barbara Corcoran preaches the importance of perseverance on the show. She says, “The difference between the real winners is how long they take to feel sorry for themselves. My winners feel it… but they come back up and say ‘hit me again,'” according to Business Insider. Regardless of whether you’re messing up at work or dealing with a breakup, all you can do is to get up and try (and try) again.
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