This App Prevents Potential Employers From Seeing That Embarrassing Tweet

Unsplash/Kev Costello
There is nothing worse than stumbling upon an embarrassing photo posted years ago to your social media account. Oh yeah, there is: when companies you want to hire you see those pics. Imagine the horror of walking into an interview, being questioned about your five-shots-in-30-seconds-at-a-frat-party video and being promptly rejected. And that’s even if you’re lucky enough to get an interview at all. Good news: You can say goodbye to those potential nightmares by downloading Clear.
Clear is an app that connects to your social media accounts and scans them for any NSFW (not safe for work) content. Using it eliminates the risk of unearthing the dark days of posting whatever your little freshman-in-college heart desired.

The app allows you to connect your accounts privately, so none of your friends or followers will know you’re using it. (The idea of a potential employer seeing us using Clear is enough to make us want to hide in a hole). Then, you’re able to sort through every piece of content the app found and flagged. Nothing will be deleted without your consent. When you do decide to delete something, Clear will wipe that content from all of your accounts seamlessly.
While most of us have nothing major to hide, it’s still an embarrassment to be turned down from a good opportunity for something that happened years ago. And depending on your industry, even the smallest things could set off alarm bells. Clean it up ASAP — Clear will help you get the job done.
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