This Pocket-Sized Device Is Ready To Help You Hack Your Metabolism

Lumen health device


If you’re trying to lose weight, be it five pounds or 50, you know how hard it can be to get your body to cooperate with your goals each day. You do your best to guess which meals will serve your metabolism most and which exercises will encourage your body to shed stored body fat as opposed to just burning the calories from your super healthy lunch. But there’s a new health tool making its way into the marketplace that’s ready to take care of all that guesswork for you.

Lumen is the latest health device that’s all about helping you hack your metabolism and make the best health choices based on the data it provides. All you have to do is download the Lumen app to your phone and breathe into the top of the device to find out what your body is burning for energy at that moment, what kind of meal would best serve your body next, how your energy levels are looking for your upcoming workout and more. Better yet, Lumen is small enough to fit in your pocket (or purse) and discrete enough for you to use as many times during the day as you’d like without feeling self-conscious.

To put it simply, Lumen measures the concentration of various gases in your breath, which reveal what your cells are burning for fuel. Burning carbs releases more carbon dioxide than burning body fat does, so once the device knows what your metabolism is doing, it can send the data to the app on your smartphone. Then the app can make daily personalized meal plans to help you lose weight and optimizes your workouts. Because your metabolism changes daily based on the foods you eat, the exercises you perform and the amount you sleep, Lumen’s consistent updates are what make it so accurate and, thus, successful.

Starting at $299, Lumen doesn’t come cheap, but it’s a tool you can use over the course of your lifetime to tackle your health goals no matter where you are. So consider it an investment in yourself. Plus, you can pre-order it for $249, which is a nice little discount for being an early adopter. The device is expected to ship starting in February 2019.

Being able to see what’s going on with your metabolism in real time and receiving expert advice on what to do about it could be the key to making weight loss feel like a motivating goal rather than a lost cause, and that’s certainly something we can get behind.


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