This Is How The Blue Light From Your Devices Impacts Your Skin Health

Unsplash/Rob Hampson
It’s no surprise by now that the blue light emanating from all of our screen-based devices (phones, computers, televisions, you name it) is wrecking the quality of our sleep. But the side effects of those wavelengths don’t stop at shut-eye.
Blue light, the middle piece of the light spectrum between ultraviolet and infrared rays, also impacts the health of your skin — and not in a good way.
While this type of light doesn’t further predispose you to cancer risk the way that the sun’s rays do (phew), chronic exposure to blue light can lead to skin pigment disorders like hyperpigmentation, especially in folks with darker skin tones. And because the light reaches the sub-tissue of your skin, it creates certain kinds of free radicals while there. Exposure to those free radicals can break down the collagen and elastin in your skin, leading to premature aging.

Unsplash/Lily Rum
Since blue light exposure definitely wreaks havoc on your sleep cycle, which is the prime time during which your skin heals and regenerates, it’s easy to link this screen time to the development of fine lines and wrinkles as well. Basically, if something is hindering your ability to get quality rest, it’s automatically not doing your skin health any favors.
Now, since research specific to blue light and skin reactions is still emerging and therefore limited, there’s no need to succumb to full-on freak-out mode about developing an unwanted condition just yet. But it also wouldn’t hurt you to walk away from those screens more often, either. Clearly, overexposure is the catalyst of all blue light-related problems. So do yourself a favor and unplug from time to time.
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