7 High-Calorie Foods You Shouldn’t Skimp On


We know your daily calorie count is important when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, but not all calories are created equal. Some foods might be low on the caloric scale yet be full of artificial ingredients, and lack important vitamins and minerals. Meanwhile, other foods that pack a pretty strong caloric punch can be nutritional powerhouses that you should most definitely not be living without. Below are seven of those foods that you should intelligently factor into your weekly food prep rather than skimping on them.

1. Olive Oil


There are thousands of studies out there that explore the health benefits of olive oil. It’s suggested that this awesome oil can protect you from developing cardiovascular diseases including high blood pressure, stroke and high cholesterol. It’s loaded with healthy fatty acids and antioxidants, and consuming enough of them can help prevent heart disease. It also has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Nuts


These guys are another heart-healthy choice. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios and peanuts (either eaten raw or toasted) are chock full of both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which help to lower bad cholesterol levels. Their healthy doses of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and fiber also keep the heartbeat on rhythm, the arteries clear and cholesterol levels where you need them.

3. Bananas


Sure, these babies are full of carbs and sugars, but they are a runner’s dream food and full of important nutrients every body needs. For example, bananas are a solid source of potassium, a mineral that keeps your cells healthy and your muscles and nerves working as they should. Their fiber content also works wonders for your digestive health. And the pectin and resistant starches in the sweet fruit actually help to regulate blood sugar levels rather than sending them out of whack.

4. Dark Chocolate


This indulgence is one serious superfood. Dark chocolate is an amazing source of magnesium, which is key in avoiding high blood pressure and hypertension. And all of the flavanols in cocoa help to improve your cognitive function when you consume some every day. It even helps alleviate symptoms of depression as it releases endorphins in your body. Seriously, why would you live a life without this stuff (unless you’re allergic)?

5. Avocados


All hail the avocado! This funky green pitted fruit is full of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which help keep your brain cells strong by improving their mitochondrial function. Their hefty dose of vitamin E can also protect the brain from degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. They contain a lot of lutein as well, which is a phytochemical that’s necessary for healthy vision and cognitive function.

6. Mangos


This beautiful tropical fruit might contain a fair amount of sugar, but its health benefits are well worth the extra sweetness. Studies suggest that the antioxidant compounds in mangoes can help protect you from colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. Their high content of beta-carotene can also reduce your risk of developing asthma. And they have a full day’s worth of vitamin C, which is critical for building collagen that keeps your skin and hair healthy.

7. Quinoa


This super protein-rich grain substitute is actually a seed, and its nutritional profile makes every calorie worth consuming. It contains a healthy amount of iron, which is vital in keeping your red blood cells healthy and oxygen flowing throughout your body properly. Quinoa has a lot of manganese, an antioxidant that helps protect your cells from injury by free radicals. And finally, its high fiber content keeps your digestive health (and, in return, your heart health) on point.