7 Supernatural Spots In The U.S. Screaming For You To Visit

Flickr CC/Nicholas Henderson
Scary movies not doing it for you anymore? Need the supernatural to be just a little bit closer to home? Then we’re sending you to these super-spooky spots around the country for a real-life haunted horror movie.
1. Jewett City Cemetery — Griswold, Connecticut
In the 19th century, three siblings were accused of being vampires by their own family. Tragically, the three died of what was actually tuberculosis, but the 1850s mindset and lack of science assumed they were wasting away from vampirism. The living family members exhumed the deceased relatives and burned their bodies — you know, just to make sure they wouldn’t rise again as blood-sucking monsters.
You can visit the creepy graveyard where this all took place and the tiny town of Griswold is also in the middle of prime New England fall color territory.
2. The House of Death — New York, New York
The awful events that occurred at this apartment building in the West Village could fill a book, with different accounts telling of 22 ghosts haunting the place. Author Mark Twain lived here in the early 1900s and even after the spooky stuff he saw, there was a murder-suicide and horrendous murder of a child. (The actual address is 14 West 10th Street, in case you wanna stop by.)

Flickr CC/Chris Parker
3. Queen Mary — Long Beach, California
A tourist attraction even without the ghosts, the Queen Mary was a World War II transport ship that now sits in Long Beach. Its nickname back in the day was the “Gray Ghost” and that moniker came to be before 49 people died onboard. Plenty of people say they’ve seen spectors of crew members or guests — the ship became a hotel once it was retired from war use.
For those who are enticed by that history instead of warned to run from it, you can take a ghost tour of the ship. Y’all are crazy brave.
4. Bachelor’s Gove Cemetery — Midlothian, Illinois
There are three big spooks going on here. One, there are reports of a ghostly lady wandering the graveyard with a baby. Two, there’s an entire farmhouse that has appeared and disappeared as people have tried to get near it. But worst of all, the third scary scene comes from phantom cars on the road. Be careful driving around here if you decide to go ghost hunting.
5. Yorktown Memorial Hospital — Yorktown, Texas
This one is only for members of the elite ghostbusting squads. The hospital is said to have been the site of more than 2,000 people’s deaths. And those who venture inside have told tales of being physically touched by the spirits who still lurk around. (We’re screaming just thinking about it.)
6. 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa — Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Opened in the late 1800s (yes, 1886), a person died on the grounds even before the hotel was finished. But once it was, it became known for the guests who’d “check out but never leave.” That’s because they died here. The spookiest one? A cancer patient died here after a quack “scientist” failed to save her. The patient and the “doctor” both haunt the halls. But don’t worry — you can still book a room here.

Flickr CC/Chris Tillman
7. Highway 101 — Cannon Beach, Oregon
Even during the day, Cannon Beach can be spooky just from the fog rolling in off the ocean. But at night, there are reports of an apparition wrapped in bandages (bloody bandages, to be gory and specific) jumping into passing cars. Terrifying.
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