Newsletter 7/25/18: đź’ˇGenius Money-Saving Tricksđź’ˇ

genius money-saving tricks


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Good Save!

Build your savings seamlessly by introducing small changes. First, take stock of your spending by logging every purchase (yep, even that drink at happy hour). Then, take action. Eliminate any small purchases you don’t need or realize and stash all your $5 bills somewhere safe. [Business Insider]

Life Hack Of The Day: Bell Pepper Edition

Before buying that bell pepper, flip it over. Peppers with four bumps are females, which are better for snacking raw, while peppers with three bumps are better for cooking.

Power Up

I Think I Tan, I Think I Tan!

Grabbing that self-tanner during the summer months seems only natural. (Hah, ya get it?) And to be fair, self-tanning is much better than soaking up those rays. But how does it work exactly? Well, DHA (the active ingredient in most products) attaches to your dead skin cells so basically, once those cells are gone, so is the tan. [Swirled]

In Control

Forget to take your birth control pill? We’ve all been there. Here’s what to do: If it’s been under 24 hours, take the missed pill ASAP. If 48 hours have passed since you took your last pill, take two right away and two the next day. Then make sure you don’t miss another pill for the next week and you’ll be good. [Swirled]

Not-So-Smart Foods

While you might know about the foods that strengthen your noggin, there are a few that aren’t so nice to the brain. Fast-burning carbs elevate your insulin, which could eventually result in Alzheimer’s disease (yikes). Processed, unhealthy fats like canola oil can also cause dementia over time. [Forbes]

Get It Done

What’s Your Name Again?

If you’ve ever sent an email to someone and got their name wrong, you know the dread that follows. Gmail users: Hit that magic undo button if it happens to you, and for everyone else, address the slip-up in a human way by apologizing and laughing it off. [Swirled]

Money Talks

Need a change of perspective when it comes to money? Hit the books for the answers you seek. Cal Newport’s “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” offers insight to scoring that next big gig by suggesting that skills, not passion, help you create “career capital” — basically, a reason why you should be chosen for that next promotion or raise. [CNBC]

Savor Each Bite

Yo-Gurt Girl!

We can’t help it if we want something sweet and frozen during these brutal summer months, and we bet you can’t, either. Looking for a guilt-free way to indulge? Try Clio Greek yogurt bars, which contain only 10 grams of sugar and 140 calories while loading up on healthy protein. The best part: They’re covered in chocolate. OMG. [Swirled]

That Was A Mi-Steak

Cooking is a feat in itself without making mistakes, of which there are many. For example, did you know that you should never add oil to your water as you boil pasta? Yup, the oil prevents your sauce from sticking to the pasta. Not fun at all! Skip the oil, and always make sure to taste your food throughout the entire cooking process — not just at the end (another easy mistake). [Swirled]

Squeaky Clean (Or Not)

We turn to Yelp every time we want to know if a restaurant serves good food, but what about its cleanliness? The crowd-sourced review forum just implemented a new feature that scores each restaurant’s cleanliness. Keep a look out for a place’s “health score” on the website to find out where your fave restaurant ranks. [The Next Web]

Pack Your Bags

So Vintage

If you’re into flea markets, you’ve got to check out some of the best in the world. You can hit up the Brooklyn Flea in NYC under the Manhattan Bridge in the summer with dozens of stalls, or Barcelona, Spain’s Mercantic, which boasts 80 merchants and enough “hidden” gems to leave you stunned. [Swirled]

Reef All About It

By now, you may have heard that the world’s coral reefs are dying. If you still want to visit them before they’re gone and don’t want to make things worse, travel with an eco-certified tour, avoid coral souvenirs and eat sustainably, too — the reefs are overfished, which hurts them. [Swirled]

You’re Speaking My Language

Want to learn a new language but don’t have the funds to do so? Use your phone for free to help you gain that coveted skill by changing your language in the settings page (just imagine how fast you’ll learn when trying to navigate Insta!) and listen to foreign-language podcasts. [Lifehacker]

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