Friday Fluff 12/28: The Cutest Dogs Of The Week

Terisa Faulkner
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Say hello to the cutest dogs of the week.
Cookie, Morkie, 9 Years Old

Amanda Johnson
Fun fact: Cookie loves sleeping more than most things in her doggie world. If Cookie’s mom keeps her up late, she’ll get upset and bark at her.
Did you know? On average, dogs spend about 12 to 14 hours of the day sleeping. Older dogs require significantly more Z‘s because they tire out more easily and need to rest in order to function properly. [American Kennel Club]
Betty Rose, Pit Bull (Rescue Dog), 2 Years Old

Kristen Branning
Fun fact: Betty is an office pup. She goes to work every day with her momma. She’ll likely win “Employee of the Year” because everybody loves her.
Did you know? Research has found that employees stress less when there are dogs in the office. How could anyone be upset when there are cute pups to play with?! [Swirled]
Guard Dawg, American Cattle Dog/Border Collie Mix, 5 Years Old

Terisa Faulkner
Fun fact: This pup’s a smarty — she understands commands in German, English and Spanish. She also responds to hand and whistle commands. She’s her pawrent’s emotional support dog.
Did you know? One study found that the “rewards center” in a dog’s brain — the one that’s responsible for processing things like positive attention and good food — is stimulated when they hear “praise words” like “Good boy!” and “Good job!” spoken in a positive tone but not when they’re spoken in a negative tone. [HuffPost]
“When you feel lousy, puppy therapy is indicated. — Sara Paretsky
P.S. Want your dog to appear in Friday Fluff? Send a picture of him or her (at least 600px by 400px) along with name, breed, age when the photo was taken and a fun fact about your pup to [email protected]. We’ll do our best to feature your dog in our email, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest accounts.