Music Volume Could Be Blamed For Your Food Cravings, New Study Says

Unsplash/Drew Patrick Miller
You know when you walk into a relaxing space, your cravings all of a sudden point towards cucumber water? It turns out there’s a connection between music volume and the type of food you crave. A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science found that high-volume music, at retail shops and restaurants, tends to make us more likely to crave something indulgent and low music is often associated with healthier foods.
According to the study, music at a lower volume tends to encourage sales of healthy foods and foods that are better for our bodies in the long term. On the other hand, high-volume music that leads to an increase in energy and excitement levels will lead to more unhealthy and indulgent food choices.
It’s not necessarily the genre of music — whether it’s meditation, slow jazz, hip-hop or house music — but it’s about the volume. Is it background music or music loud enough for a singalong?

Unsplash/Nielsen Ramon
Bottom line, those spiritual or meditative tracks you hear at the yoga studio or the nail salon have more of a lasting impact than you might’ve thought. There’s a reason you don’t hear guided meditation playing when you walk into a bar. They’re playing music so loud that you can’t possibly avoid it. You know, the kind of music that’ll get you all riled up, craving something like a sugary cocktail or Buffalo mac and cheese.
We’re not saying you can cure all of your munchies with mellow background noise, but it’s worth a shot.
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