What Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dish Says About Your Personality

Unsplash/Charles Deluvio
If you look forward to your Thanksgiving food coma all year long, chances are you have a favorite dish that you gravitate toward to reach that inevitable food coma. Whether you’re the first one in line for the turkey, pumpkin pie or mashed potatoes, your favorite Thanksgiving food speaks to your personality more than you might realize. Here’s what your go-to Thanksgiving dish says about you.
Cranberry Sauce
Anyone who fills their plate with cranberry sauce is likely the sweet one of the bunch. Even with all of the savory foods on your plate, you still need something sugary to balance it all out. The cranberry sauce lover always needs a little reassurance.

If you go straight for the turkey, you’re a minimalist. You focus on the main event with no nonsense in between. As long as you have a few pieces of juicy dark meat or white turkey breast on your plate, you’re perfectly satisfied.
Candied Brussels Sprouts
If you’re eating any kind of bitter greens on Thanksgiving, you’re someone with a good amount of willpower. Even with all of the indulgent sides on the table, you still make sure to get in your vitamin C when you can… even if the Brussels sprouts have been roasted with honey or candied walnuts.
The adaptable one loves to load up on stuffing. Most stuffing recipes are made with a little bit of everything, so you can’t be too picky. With every bite chock-full of random Thanksgiving ingredients, the adaptable one chows down on stuffing, appreciating the genius (and delicious) concept.
Mac ‘N’ Cheese

Flickr/Jun Seita
Mac ‘n’ cheese devotees are often the indulgent ones. You bypass all of the greens and protein and load your plate with creamy mac because you believe life is short and you should treat yourself whenever possible.
Sweet Potato Casserole With Marshmallows
The sweet potato casserole lover is a traditionalist. No matter how fancy your Thanksgiving dinner gets, you always make time for those mini marshmallows. If you’re a sweet potato fan, chances are you also flock to the regular mashed potatoes. With the perfect amount of butter and salt, potatoes are always a raging success.
Pumpkin Pie
The person who picks pumpkin pie has the most patience out of everyone. You spend the entire meal counting down the minutes until dessert is served (and saving room for it). You might try your best to enjoy the savory dishes, but you have your eye on that kitchen door the entire time, fork in hand and ready to go to town on the pumpkin pie. Considering that Thanksgiving meals can go on for an entire day, the pie loyalists should pat themselves on the back for holding out on their favorite for so long.
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