This Cleaning Hack Is Magic For Your Spring Allergies

Unsplash/Mike Marquez
Ahhh, spring has finally sprung! And with it comes more daylight-filled hours, fresher air and… pretty much all kinds of allergies. Your pet is shedding its lovely winter coat, the beautiful blooms are leaving your windowsill coated in fresh pollen and, once the rain stops, the dust just seems to settle everywhere.
But don’t worry — one simple cleaning solution can stop those sneezes and sniffles in their tracks, and it’s all about dusting.
When you’re giving your home a good clean, which item on the tidy-up agenda do you tackle first? If it’s anything other than dusting, it’s time to reorder that priority list. Dusting is the process that seems to make the mess worse before it gets better. It stirs a ton of agitating particles into the air, leaving them to resettle on surfaces moments after you’ve “cleaned” your space. Ugh. However, if you dust first, the rest of your cleaning can take care of any residual mess.

Unsplash/Timothy Buck
It’s also critical to pay attention to your dusting technique. Do you dust higher surfaces first and work your way toward the floor? Or do you just wave that fluffy wand around haphazardly as you move through your home? The latter really isn’t doing you any favors, but if you take the top-down approach, you allow gravity to work in your favor. Higher surfaces remain spotless, and a good mopping session can take care of whatever dust, dirt and dander is left in your space at the end of your cleaning routine.
It’s stupidly simple, but that doesn’t mean you won’t notice a world of difference in how your sinuses feel when you make this change. So grab that duster, start at the top and watch all of those allergens disappear before your eyes.
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