Why The Beach Library Is The Idea We’ve Needed All Our Lives

We’re all about beach reading time. There’s always a book in our beach bag. So obviously, we’re completely obsessed with the idea of a beach library that we’ve seen popping up all over our Instagram feeds.
Like the Little Free Libraries we’ve seen all over the United States in the last couple of years, these beach shelves are all about passing on a great book to a new reader. From Sydney’s Bondi Beach to Dubai’s sandy shores, you’ll find adorable spots around the world where you can grab your next favorite beach read.
We have no idea why this wasn’t invented sooner. Who hasn’t been sitting on the beach wishing they had a great book to read? Now, you don’t have to longingly stare at your friends’ novels. You can go grab your own at one of these cute little stands.
Some of the libraries are tiny, like a little one you might see in your hometown neighborhood. But some of them extend over entire stretches of sand. Can you imagine how many books are waiting to be discovered on these shelves?
Dubai’s libraries, like a lot of other features in the futuristic city, go above an beyond. Not only are they free for anyone to use, but there’s also free lighting to make your reading time last longer when the sun starts to go down.
Honestly, we hope this trend grows until it becomes the norm because we could all use the reminder to set down our smartphones and look at something besides a screen on our days off. Besides, there’s nothing like listening to the sound of the waves while reading the best novel of the summer.
Happy reading, bookworms!
[H/T PureWow]
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