Germany Made Unicorn Ketchup And We Just Can’t

Okay, world, we need to have a serious heart-to-heart. The unicorn food trend has seen new developments again and again in just the last few months. We tried to make peace with it, but you guys, we’re done. So when we heard that unicorn ketchup was a thing, we decided to be good citizens of the world and send out a PSA to everyone even remotely considering buying this heinous product.
Would you just look at this thing?!
Bautz’ner, the German mustard-producing company behind the glittery condiment, is set to release the new product in stores across the country for a limited time, starting mid-June.
The ketchup is made with beetroot juice, which gives it its pink color, and edible glitter particles. It’s vegan and gluten-free. That said, we refuse to allow our German friends to buy it without knowing that this colorful trend just has to end. It’s gone too far.
Be smart, everyone. Know your options and know that ultimately, you don’t have to buy into this craze. We’re actually begging at this point, so do the right thing and just don’t.