You Can Make All Of Your Doctor’s Appointments In One Place Online

Sure, we can pay our own bills, network our asses off and feed ourselves semi-balanced meals (most of the time), but there’s just something not-so-intuitive about having to find a doctor near you and schedule an appointment. Maybe it’s because our parents took care of that for us for far too long, but either way, it has to get done. Instead of suffering through awkward silences and being put on hold, we have an alternative solution for you. It’s called Zocdoc.
What is it?
Zocdoc is a website and app that connects you to the best doctors and dentists in your area, including primary care physicians and specialists. You can find what and who you need in a snap, without making a single call. The service is available in cities across 36 states.
How does it work?
Patients (AKA you) pay $0 to sign up for the service. Once you’re in the system with a username and password, you can enter your ailment and search local doctors that are covered by your particular insurance. When you find one you like, you can make the appointment and just show up. (Doctors pay $250 a month to list their practices on Zocdoc.)
The experience is extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate. You can even enter your exact location and specify how far you’re willing to go to see a doctor. You can read reviews on each doctor listed. Even better: the service tracks your “Well Guide,” which is a checklist of basic appointments for you to complete, including an annual check-up, skin screening, dental cleaning and eye exam. You can check them off as you schedule the appointments.
Zocdoc’s a miracle if we’ve ever seen one. You can make appointments for your yearly physical, your dermatologist and your dentist all in one place without ever touching the phone. We’re pretty psyched about that.