7 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Bed


Recent studies have suggested that it’s okay to eat before bed if you’re hungry. This gave us hope that maybe we don’t need to eliminate thoughts like “it’s late but I could totally handle a snack” before hitting the hay. That said, not everything is fair game before bed. Below are the seven worst things you can consume when it comes to your sleep. Stay away, unless you want to risk digestive issues, tossing and turning and even weight gain.

Here’s the no-go list:

1. Red Meat


Your stomach will work extra hard to digest big portions of protein, but red meat, even in small portions, can keep you up at night as it digests super slowly.

2. Cruciferous Vegetables, Like Broccoli



This one surprised us, too. Isn’t the point of eating healthy at night to avoid weight gain issues?! Broccoli is great for you, but it contains a lot of insoluble fiber. That means while you’re trying to sleep, your stomach is still working hard to digest it, and you end up tossing and turning.

3. Tomato Sauce



The amount of acid in a serving of tomato sauce is enough to give you at least a little heartburn and indigestion. Now imagine feeling that way lying down. Plus, there’s added potential for acid reflux while you try to sleep. Not the best situation.

4. Dark Chocolate



Experts recommend having a square or two of dark chocolate at night to curb cravings, but did you know that a serving of dark chocolate has up to a quarter of the caffeine that’s in a cup of coffee? Prepare to stay wide awake.

5. Indian Curry



If you’ve ever had spicy food before bed, then had terrifying nightmares, it likely has something to do with the takeout. An Australian study found that spices like mustard seed and tabasco activate your brain in REM sleep, making your dreams more vivid. Throw in heartburn, and you’ll have a hell of a night.

6. Ice Cream



As a high source of fat and sugar, a regular bowl of ice cream before bed comes with the risk of gaining weight. If you think your body will burn it off while sleeping, think again.

7. Pizza


Late-night pizza runs are a no-go, and not only because you risk heartburn from the tomato sauce. In addition to that and the heaviness of the “snack” — and lets be real, it’s a meal — the cheese can give you nightmares.

Cross these foods off your list for what gets the green light at night. And if you want better Zzzs, try some cherry juice or chamomile tea instead. Your body will thank you for the great night’s rest.