You Can Drop 557 Feet On The World’s Largest Swing


Does plummeting 60 stories down excite you? Well, okay…let’s add the fact that you probably won’t die while doing it, but we can’t confirm. If this seems like a perfect day to you, you need to get to Russia to ride the world’s largest swing.

You can find the swing at the A.J. Hackett Skypark resort in Sochi, Russia. The swing drops you 557 feet, which is equivalent to falling off of a skyscraper.

The swing is perched between two mountains, so when you drop in between them, you can guarantee a killer view (that is, if your eyes aren’t closed the entire time). To get to the swing, you have to cross the world’s longest bridge, which is 650 feet high and 1,800 feet long.

Once you’re strapped into the seat, it only takes a few seconds for them to push you off and down into the valley. You can ride solo or with someone, and the park says you’ll go as fast as “near-space speeds.” YIKES.

A ride will set you back $150 per solo trip and $200 to go down with your best buddy. If you happen to be interested in visiting Sochi and have the guts to live through this terrifying ride, you’ll have to try it. We’ll be over here living vicariously through you.