The World’s Largest Cheese Board Weighs More Than A Family Of Giraffes

Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
Get your crackers ready. There’s a new Guinness World Record in town for the world’s largest cheese board. Appropriately set in Wisconsin, the record-breaking Boska cheese board — 35 feet long and seven feet wide — was blanketed with 4,437 pounds of Wisconsin cheese.
In the words of Lizzie McGuire, this is what dreams are made of. The wooden cheese board had 145 different varieties and styles of cheese. And smack in the center of this dairy party was a 2,000-pound wheel of Henning’s cheddar. It broke the previous cheese board record, which only had 100 varieties of cheese and weighed a total of around 2,000 pounds.

Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
The official ceremony attracted over 45,000 devoted cheese lovers, giving the first 2,000 people in line a chance to eat off of the record-breaking cheese board. Way to go, cheeseheads! We’d like to get our hands on those leftovers.
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