FYI: This Is What You Can And Can’t Steal From Your Hotel Room

Raise your hand if you have a weird collection of hotel shampoos somewhere in your home. We sure do. We love grabbing an extra soap from the hotel bathroom before checking out, but have you ever wondered what else is cool to snag? Here’s our advice on what to take and what to leave behind.
You should grab…
All those mini toiletries in your hotel bathroom? Fair game to bring home with you. Same goes for pens, stationary and the like. These are disposable and meant for your use only.
It could be weird to take…
Bathrobes are somewhat of a gray area. The big ol’ fluffy ones are temptingly cozy. However, if you want to take it back to your real bedroom, the hotel will likely charge you a fee.
Eyeing the monogrammed coffee mug? These apparently “go missing” all the time at hotels. While it’s not the end of the world cost-wise for a big chain, maybe buy it as a souvenir from a small boutique hotel. Or just ask. They might hand you one for free for the sake of publicity.
Don’t steal…
Leave behind the hairdryer, coffee maker and TV remotes (they won’t work on your TV anyway). The hotel bedding also should stay at the hotel — and honestly, if you don’t know what’s happened on there, you don’t want it. Oh, and fam, get your batteries and light bulbs at Target rather than your most recent hotel room.
We’ll put it in “Friends” terms: Be better than Ross. You know you’re more of a Monica, and she’d never steal from a perfectly arranged hotel room.