7 Things You Should Consider Before Quitting Your Job

Abbie Bernet / Unsplash
When it comes to your career, your first priority is probably to perform well and sustain your lifestyle with those hard-earned paychecks. However, we bet that at least once in your life, you’ll feel like you’re at the end of your rope and you’re eager to leave your current company. If you want to quit your job, we trust that you’ve put a lot of thought into it. That said, no matter how much thinking you’ve done, make sure you consider these seven things before pulling the trigger.
1. The Source Of Your Frustration
What exactly is it about your job that makes you want to leave? Is it that annoying coworker you can’t stand? Your terrifying boss? The work you’re doing? Analyze the reasons you want to leave, and if your reasons have anything to do with your long-term career goals (like your company values and mission not aligning with yours) or your mental health (like your boss verbally abusing you every day), you should probably look for a new job. However, if your issue doesn’t negatively affect your long-term goals and can be fixed, then consider staying.
2. Your Personal Goals And Values
When you join a company, you’re likely aware of its mission and values. Hopefully, your personal goals align with your employer’s, but these values can change over time. If your goals and vision for your career have changed since starting your current job, or if your company’s goals have changed and don’t align with yours anymore, you may not be happy. Goals still on track with your company? Consider staying.
3. Your Savings Account

Mathieu Turle / Unsplash
Put simply, could you take the financial hit if you quit your job and other forms of income didn’t come through the way you thought they would? Though most people probably have another position lined up before they quit, your situation could be totally different. Maybe your job feels so unbearable that you’d rather quit right away and live off your savings before you find a new gig. No matter how severe the circumstances may be at your current position, always make sure that you have enough money to support yourself.
4. Your Retirement Contributions (Or Any Other Financial Contributions)
If you opted into a retirement plan with your company or negotiated equity when you started, think about what you’re potentially giving up by leaving right now. You may find that you’ll get more out of your investments and contributions by staying for a longer amount of time.
5. The Timing
Whether you think so or not, timing matters when deciding to leave your job. Maybe you’re about to have a performance review, in which case you could use the opportunity to discuss your feelings about the company. Maybe you’re in the middle of your busy season and you need to accomplish a number of big tasks before having some time to breathe. If you can help it, jump ship when it makes the most sense.
6. Your Next Steps
Do you have a job lined up? At the very least, you should have a short- and long-term career plan in place before leaving your current position. Not sure what you want to do? Maybe take a few seminars or workshops while staying at your company to figure it out. Got an offer from a company you’re really excited to work for? Weigh the benefits, salary and all the other pros and cons of this new potential gig compared to what you have in front of you. If everything checks out and you’d be more happy at the new company, go for it.
7. Your Relationship With Your Current Boss And Coworkers
This point may seem unnecessary, but we want to stress that the relationships you form with your team and your boss are important going forward. If you and your boss don’t get along and you don’t have a new gig lined up, maybe stay a few more months to work on strengthening your relationship before heading out. When you do decide to quit your company, think about how you’re going to professionally say goodbye to them and tie up loose ends. Consider how you’re going to transition your duties to your team members while your company finds your replacement, and also consider how you plan to keep in touch with your team in the future. The last thing you want to do is burn bridges.