This Popular Australian Drink Is Made From Flowers And Tastes Like A Cappuccino


Australia’s national flower is the Golden Wattle and it’s the key ingredient for a kickass caffeine-free drink. When Wattleseeds are ground up they’re often used as a coffee substitute and made into a cappuccino-style hot beverage dubbed the wattlecino. It tastes like a mixture of coffee, chocolate and hazelnut without the regular bitterness you get from coffee. It’s usually topped with a little sprinkle of cinnamon or a drizzle of honey.

A wattlecino is nutty, dark in color and more on the mild side compared to a cappuccino made from coffee grounds. But the Australian drink is made in a similar way to coffee. You take Wattleseed in powder form and combine it with steamed milk and foam. Or, you can roast the seeds, grind them and put the grounds through an espresso machine.

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Just like coffee, there are different varieties of Wattleseed that have unique flavor profiles. Companies like Natif and Australian Superfood Co can give you more inspiration when it comes to this nutty coffee alternative.

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Since the Wattleseed itself is high in protein and has a low glycemic index, the wattlecino isn’t only delicious, but it has some nutritional value as well.