Newsletter 4/5/18: Shock: What People Will Give Up For A Raise

what a raise is worth

Unsplash/Karly Gomez

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Life Hack Of The Day

The trick to keeping your computer clean? Use the sticky part of a Post-It note to get dust and crumbs out of your keyboard.

Up Your Health Game

Scrape It Off

Tongue scraping might sound pretty gross, but it’s actually great for your mouth. In fact, scraping for just 30 seconds reduces the build-up of plaque on your tongue and lowers your chances of having bad breath. Scrape away, friends. [Swirled]

Love You So Maca

Maca powder may be just the thing that gets you to break up with your morning latte. Maca powder, a caffeine-free plant-based supplement, can give you the energy boost you crave without making you feel wired. Also known as “Peruvian ginseng,” the superfood is high in minerals, and it can help regulate your hormones and adrenal glands. [Swirled]

One Smart Cookie (Butter)

Cookie butter and granola just had a baby and it’s everything we’d hoped it would be. Creamy, sweet and totally addictive, Kween Granola Butter is a healthy version of TJ’s classic Speculoos Spread. A single jar will run you $12.95 or you can snag a three-pack for $32.95. Yummm! [mindbodygreen]

Live Like A Boss

See Ya Later, Fake News

Fake news will hopefully become old news, thanks to a new Facebook feature. Designed to help readers decide what to read and what to skip, the platform will now provide you with more information about articles that show up in your feed, including info on authors, publishers and related content. Stay tuned for the results! [Swirled]

Raise The Roof

A new survey reveals that 73.42 percent of people would be willing to ditch alcohol for five years for just a 10 percent raise. And that’s not all — 53.55 percent say they would be willing to give up social media while 35 percent say they would actually give up the right to vote. We don’t know about you guys, but our minds are blown. [The Ladders]

Strike A Pose

Google’s new Clips camera could soon replace photographers by automating the process of taking photos. Using an algorithm designed to recognize faces and movement, Clips takes “candid” shots of people whenever it senses that someone is within range. Although the technology still has a looong way to go, it could change the photo game from here on out. [CNN Tech]

Savor Each Bite

Life Is A Cabernet

Looking to get a serious buzz going on your next trip to Cali? The Weed and Wine Tour in Oakland has you covered. You’ll hop on a smoke-friendly bus and make stops at local wineries to sample some great vino, all while learning about the history of wine in the area. Talk about a perfect pairing! [Swirled]

To-May-To, To-Mah-To

The secret to cutting cherry tomatoes? Take two plastic lids, place a handful of cherry tomatoes in between them and slice through the tomatoes with a serrated knife. Your meal prepping just got a whole lot easier. [Swirled]

Recipe Of The Day

Salad jars are the easiest way to pack a healthy lunch, and this Mediterranean chickpea and egg salad jar has the perfect blend of protein-packed ingredients to keep you going strong. [Half Baked Harvest]

Pack Your Bags

You’re Giraffing Me Crazy

Forget seeing animals from afar. Giraffe Manor, a boutique hotel near Nairobi, Kenya, welcomes giraffes right up to your window. A gorgeous mansion with its own private giraffe habitat, this animal sanctuary is the perfect place to get up close and personal with the cuddly giants. [Swirled]

Dip Your Toes In

You don’t have to be a high roller to hang poolside at the world’s tallest hotel. Dubai’s Gevora Hotel now offers day passes for those who want to check out the views and take a dip. The best part? They’re pretty affordable — we’re talking $40 on weekdays and $54 on weekends. [Swirled]

Deal Of The Day

Ready to start planning your summer vacation? Southwest can help. You can snag a one-way domestic flight between major cities like Atlanta and Nashville for just $44. Time to cash in that PTO! [Travel + Leisure]

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