This Waterslide-Ferris Wheel Hybrid Is As Insane As It Sounds


Yeah, super long or super tall waterslides are pretty dope, but those don’t move while you’re sliding.

The groundbreaking SlideWheel is a waterslide-Ferris wheel hybrid, and it totally takes tubular fun to the next level.

The German project (currently undergoing testing) from Wiegandmaelzer design firm is an absolutely insane invention that might change the waterpark game forever.

The tube slide is 459 feet long.

You’ll go down the tunnel on a four-person raft.

Riders will go forwards, backwards, upside down and sideways.

Since the actual ride rotates, there’s no center of gravity to keep you floating forward.

It’s a 2-minute ride.

But that’s 120 seconds of complete disorientation, which feels twice as long (according to the first wave of testers).

The Ferris wheel can change speeds.

The SlideWheel’s creator told Attractions Magazine that increasing speeds by 5 percent makes the ride an adrenaline machine.

SlideWheel is currently in testing.

It may debut in China in 2018 if all the tests show people are ready to take on the adventure. (Count us in as ready and willing testers!)