A Starbucks Barista Made Unicorn Lemonade And Our Hearts Are Palpitating

Move over, unicorn frappuccinos — you have some competition. A genius Starbucks barista took the unicorn trend one step further by inventing unicorn lemonade. We are both excited and scared at the same time.
The barista posted on Reddit that she and her coworkers “got creative with the new powders” that create the one-of-a-kind drink.
Like the unicorn frappuccino, the lemonade is two-toned and very pretty. That said, we’re slightly skeptical of the new drink, given the mixed reviews received by the frap. Do the flavors conflict, as reviews suggest? We may never know unless our local barista is willing to make the colorful new drink for us.
If baristas are anything like this guy, we doubt they’ll be willing to humor us by whipping one up. We get it, baristas, and we don’t judge. It probably is a tall order (heh, get it?).
Well, if you get your hands on the unicorn lemonade, let us know how it is. Otherwise, we’re good.