Here’s How To Decide If TSA Pre-Check Or Global Entry Is Right For You

You’ve probably seen folks stroll right on past some pretty serious lines at the airport toward signs reading “Global Entry.” Or you’ve heard travelers bragging about not having to wait at TSA “pre-check”. Here’s what the three government-run Trusted Traveler programs offer travelers and how to join them.
1. TSA Pre✓
Frequent flyers can go through security more quickly for flights departing in the United States.
The benefits: Basically, you’re saved from the irritating parts of TSA security check points. You don’t have to take off your shoes, belt or jacket, and your laptop can stay in your bag.
The cost: $85 for a five year membership
The fine print: You have to apply online and do an in-person background check (including a fingerprinting). Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible.
2. Global Entry
Travelers get expedited processing at U.S. border control, as well as TSA Pre✓.
The benefits: Instead of waiting in the giant customs declaration line, you get to use a machine. It’ll take your passport and fingerprint and ask you some customs questions. Then you’re done!
The cost: $100 for a five year membership
The fine print: The application process includes a background check and in-person interview (you do need a passport to apply, obviously). And you could always be selected for more questioning at the border even if you’re enrolled in the program.
Travelers get expedited processing through American and Canadian border control, as well as TSA Pre✓.
The benefits: NEXUS is a scaled-down version of Global Entry, meaning you can only get through American and Canadian borders with special treatment.
The cost: $50 for a five year membership
The fine print: You have to do an online application, interview, fingerprinting and verify your I.D. But you don’t need a passport.