7/18/19 Newsletter: The Trick To Soothing Sore Muscles

Foam rolling works by smoothing out your fascia — the connective tissue that stretches over and through your muscles — eliminating the knots and trigger points that lead to tension and tightness. Foam rolling before your workout is equally essential as foam rolling after it, but for different reasons. When you use this tool to relieve any muscle tension before your sweat sesh, your muscles won’t be restricted by tightness. This will allow them to fire correctly during exercises and improve the range of motion of your joints, making your workout more effective. Roll the roller back and forth on your muscles, when you come across a spot that’s particularly tense and tight, hold for 30 seconds giving your muscles time to relax. It’s normal for it to feel a little painful if you’re sore, but if it’s a sharp pain that you’re experiencing, lay off. The feeling shouldn’t be worse than what you’d experience during a deep-tissue massage. [Swirled]
Life Hack Of The Day: Flowers Edition
Rather than splurging on a fresh bouquet of flowers every week try this hack. Add two tablespoons of white vinegar and two tablespoons of sugar to your vase before popping in your peonies or petunias so they last longer. Bonus tip: Trim them on an angle right before adding them to the vase so the stems have maximum water exposure.
Foods like dried fruit, flavored yogurt and granola may sound healthy but could be doing more harm than good to your body. Have no fear — we’ve got seven better-for-you alternatives from plain yogurt to homemade granola and more. [Swirled]
Career + Finance + Tech
The most popular searched online courses can also help you level up in your career. Beyond the defensive driving course, accounting, programming/coding, statistics, real estate, medical coding and billing, photography, graphic design and writing made up the top 10. All can be learned online for free or an affordable price on sites like Coursera, Udemy and more. [Swirled]
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Food + Drink
You don’t need fancy equipment to make restaurant-worthy poached eggs — just a tall pot, a small cup or bowl and a slotted spoon. Adding vinegar to simmering water before cooking the egg will ensure that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of your pot and that it takes that classic spherical shape. [Swirled]
Recipe Of The Day: Five-ingredient semolina and strawberry “pudding” is a creamy departure from your usual bowl of oatmeal and a yummy way to enjoy summery strawberries. Combine semolina with water and milk and cook thoroughly. Top with chia seeds, strawberry preserves and fresh chopped strawberries. If you’re feeling indulgent add a drizzle of chocolate-hazelnut spread, too. [Cooktoria]
A quick tip from yours truly: If you’re not familiar with semolina, it’s a type of ground wheat that’s typically used to make porridge, pudding, pastry fillings and pasta.
Do you have a kitchen tip to share? Let us know: [email protected].
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Some of the most loving dog breeds include the Labrador Retriever, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Pit Bull. Can’t get enough of pups? Sign up for our Friday Fluff newsletter and get cute dog pictures delivered straight to your inbox once a week.
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