Here’s How Not To Be An Asshole To The Swimming Pigs In The Bahamas

The Bahamas’ famous swimming pigs, in the Exumas, are hot stuff. They’re social media stars and television stars (thanks to their appearance on The Bachelor), but some tourists are threatening to ruin the piggies’ paradise.
Just be a decent human being, okay? The swimming pigs are treasures and deserve to have their home respected. Thanks so much. And if animal sense isn’t common nature for you, here are a few great rules to go by when you reach the Bahamas.
Only feed the pigs the good stuff.
Pigs are still animals. They don’t need people food. If you’re going to give them nibbles, stick to fruits and veggies. It’s also great to bring them fresh water – they need this more than treats.
Don’t give the pigs alcohol.
Yes, apparently this is something that needs to be said. Last year, controversy erupted when it appeared some of these precious piggies died from drinking tourist-provided beer. Turns out, that’s not what killed them, but no matter what, the pigs don’t need booze.
Stick to happy pigs.
If an animal isn’t pleased to be hanging out with you, leave the poor dear alone. That means squealing, squirming piglets don’t belong in your selfie photo shoot. And the adorable pink guy running away? Let him go. There are others who will be more eager to interact.
Don’t hold food if you don’t want attention from the animals.
The pigs will chase you if you have food. And the big guys are the greedy hogs who rule the pack, so they’re the ones coming for your snacks. If you’re scared of large animals, leave the feeding to others. You can still play with the babies!
Stay close to shore.
Exuma’s talented piggies have some pretty good sea legs, but they’re still not native to the ocean. To make sure the pigs stay safe and out of the risk of drowning, don’t tempt them to come too far into the water. Even the best swimmers need a break sometimes.
Always remember, no matter how many tourists come through, the famous pigs are still animals – unpredictable, untrained and not just here for your fun. Let them live.