Here’s How Many Calories Are Actually In Your Favorite Sushi Roll

Sushi for dinner? Count us in… but don’t count those calories unless you want to regret ordering that third roll.
In its pure form, this Japanese cuisine can be pretty healthy, balancing carbohydrates (rice) with protein and good-for-you fats (fish). But when you look at all of the “special” rolls featured in Western restaurants, you’ll notice most of them are served tempura-style (battered and fried), doused in spicy mayonnaise and topped with “crunch,” a.k.a. empty carbs. Does that sound like the picture of health to you? Yeah, we didn’t think so.
Because no two sushi rolls are created equal, it’s incredibly difficult to analyze different sushi calories based on the roll names alone. (Each chef has his or her own techniques). So instead, we decided to break down the nutritional profiles of the sushi ingredients themselves so you can understand exactly what you’re getting the next time you’re scouring your local spot’s menu.

Load up on…
Nori: The seaweed your sushi comes wrapped in has just 10 calories per sheet.
Wasabi: This spicy horseradish-style condiment has 15 calories per teaspoon and gives your metabolism a nice little kick.
Pickled Ginger: This yummy sushi topper has just 15 calories per tablespoon and it’s a solid stomach soother.
Flying Fish Roe: One tablespoon of these fish eggs supplies 40 calories as well as 4 grams of protein.
Cucumber: This hydrating veggie has only 8 calories for a half a cup plus healthy fiber, so keep stuffing your sushi rolls with this baby.
Avocado: This pitted fruit rakes in 51 calories per ounce, but it’s loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats that help you feel (and stay) full.
Sriracha: One tablespoon has only 15 calories, so spice up your tuna roll with this sauce and hold the mayo.
Asparagus: Another popular sushi veggie, asparagus has only 22 calories for a half cup and it’s loaded with vitamin K.
Scallions: These baby onions have only 9 calories per ounce and add a lot of the flavor profile of your sushi roll.
Mango: The best sushi fruit out there, mango has 17 calories per ounce and a healthy dose of vitamin C.

Eat mindfully…
Sushi Rice: One sheet of sushi rice has just 51 calories, but it can contain added sugar (that’s why it helps hold your sushi roll together) and it’s high on the glycemic index, meaning it’ll spike your blood sugar and leave you crashing hard later.
Soy Sauce: This go-to dipping sauce has only 10 calories per tablespoon, but it’s loaded with sodium and it’s agitating for anyone dealing with a gluten sensitivity, intolerance or allergy.
Imitation Crab: A half a cup of this look-alike has 70 calories and 8 grams of protein, which is great, but you might as well go for the real stuff if you’re eating sushi, right?
Panko: These breadcrumbs are what make any roll “crunchy,” and they have 95 calories per tablespoon with no added nutritional value. They’re harmless, but they’re also empty.
Cream Cheese: This ingredient makes for a killer Philadelphia roll, but just two tablespoons adds 99 calories and 10 grams of fat to your dinner.

Spicy Mayo: One tablespoon of this spicy roll staple costs you almost 100 calories as well as a whopping 11 grams of fat.
Tempura: One ounce of tempura (meaning the fried batter coating that specialty roll) has 81 calories and 6 grams of fat.
Sauces: The list of chef-inspired sauces in sushi restaurants — eel sauce, ponzu, etc. — can go on for days, but just know that most are loaded with sugar, salt and/or fat and should definitely be consumed in moderation if you’re thinking about the nutrition of your meal.

And when it comes to the fishies…
Tuna: One piece of tuna has 70 calories and a fair amount of iron.
Salmon: Salmon logs 67 calories per piece, as well as a healthy dose of potassium.
Yellowtail: One piece of yellowtail has 51 calories and 4 grams of protein.
Shrimp: A piece of shrimp nigiri has 68 calories and a whopping 8 grams of protein.
Eel: One piece of eel has 90 calories and 3 grams of fat, which is higher than most other raw options.
Octopus: Octopus nigiri has 53 calories per piece with almost 5 grams of protein.
Soft-Shell Crab: This real-deal crab comes in at just 47 calories and tastes so much better than the imitation stuff.
Jumbo Lump Crab: Another imitation upgrade, one ounce of jumbo lump crab has 24 calories and a solid supply of potassium.
Now go forth and build your best sushi roll. We have faith in you.