These Gummies Could Help Protect You From Unwanted Skin Damage This Summer

Sunny days are (finally) on the horizon, which means it’s time to bring that bottle of SPF out from the back of your bathroom cabinet. And if you’re particularly excited about spending all of your summer days in the great outdoors, you should know that there’s a new addition to the world of suncare this year, and it’s literally as sweet as candy.
Sundots are the first daily gummy supplement that helps provide full-body protection from the sun’s harsh rays. Their active ingredient is Polypodium leucotomos, a species of fern that, after years of research, has been found to enhance the skin’s natural ability to fight sunburn and skin aging. Physician and Harvard Medical School-trained research scientist Emilia Javorsky, MD, used this intel to design Sundots, which beat their initial $20,000 Indiegogo fundraising goal by almost $80,000.

Experts say that, when it comes to alternative forms of sun protection, the strongest available research is linked to Polypodium leucotomos, the Central American fern plant used in Sundots. Because of its specific antioxidant properties, the fern extract can increase the amount of time it takes for your skin to burn when it’s exposed to ultraviolet light. It can also help reduce the likelihood that people with sensitive skin will experience sun rash after prolonged exposure to the heat.

Now, these sweet little guys are not intended to replace sunscreen. They are definitely an addition to your standard suncare protocol. Because we all have those times when we miss a spot with sunscreen spray or wait a little too long to reapply after that dip in the pool, right?
We can’t exactly put Sundots in an SPF range because that’s a measure of protection placed on the skin topically. However, studies comparing oral suncare to traditional lotions suggest that a Sundot type of product would supply the equivalent of SPF 5 to 8 on its own. That’s not a lot — or enough to meet most dermatological guidelines — but it’s nice to have that backup protection inside your skin when your SPF30 lotion is weakening.

Sundots are hitting store shelves in July, so be on the lookout as you restock that SPF. And if you’re too excited to wait that long, check out the product website. A one-month supply starts at $29 in the subscription-style model, which is a small price to pay for healthy, protected skin.