You Can Pay To Nap At This Madrid Bar
Imagine a world in which you are so tired that you would actually hand over cash just to get some shut-eye. Oh, that’s actually happening? Never mind, we guess we’re already there. Siesta & Go, a Madrid nap bar, is the only place in Spain where you can pay to take a nap.
We know, it’s a weird concept. Despite sleep being one of the most valuable treasures in adulthood, we can’t wrap our heads around shelling out for a few minutes of Zzz’s.
At Siesta & Go, you can choose between a private or shared room. The spot offers fresh linens, pillows and blankets for each customer, as well as optional nightshirts and slippers. You can either pre-book one of the 19 beds or you can walk in and take your chances. An hour in a private room will cost you €12-14 (about $14-16), and you can pay by the minute or by the hour.
If physically laying down isn’t what you seek and you somehow still find yourself at this nap bar, you can opt for an armchair, where you can relax in peace and grab a cup of coffee.
Maybe we can’t knock it until we try it, so we’ll be cautiously optimistic for anyone who’s interested in testing out the sheets. More power to you.