This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink A Can Of Red Bull

Whether it was blended with vodka or chugged after an all-nighter in college, we’ve all probably had a Red Bull or two in our lifetimes. And if you can get past the cough syrup-esque taste, you might not even mind the energy drink as a pick-me-up option in lieu of espresso. But it’s really not doing your body many favors beyond that temporary boost. This is what happens to your body within 24 hours of drinking a single can of classic Red Bull.
After 10 minutes…
You’ll notice your heart beating more quickly and your blood pressure increasing. That’s because the 80 milligrams of caffeine are being absorbed into your bloodstream alongside the stimulant taurine and influx of energy-boosting B vitamins. (All of these things are found in natural foods, but it’s this combination and dose ratio that leads to uncomfortable symptoms.)
After 15-45 minutes…
Your caffeine levels in your bloodstream have peaked, meaning the window of alertness and focused concentration has begun. Enjoy, because it won’t last long.
After 30-50 minutes…
Because all of the available caffeine has been absorbed, your liver then takes this opportunity to start grabbing any sugar available — like the 27.5 grams in the can you just downed — and absorb that into your bloodstream. Hellooo, sugar high.
After an hour…
Welp, all the sugar is now metabolized, and the caffeine is starting to wear off, so you’re crashing. Hard.
If you opt for the sugar-free version, you will avoid the sugar crash part of this reaction. However, you’ll be filling your body with shitty sugar substitutes acesulfame K and aspartame. So instead, you’ll still be craving sugar because of how these chemicals react with your brain chemistry and you’ll be causing unnecessary inflammation in your body. Oh joy…
After six hours…
Your body still has 50 percent of the caffeine you consumed pulsing through its system. This can cause restless sleep, stress and anxiety even if you aren’t experiencing the desirable energy effects anymore.
After 12 hours…
The caffeine is finally gone. Phew. Normalcy. Oh wait…
After 12-24 hours…
Here come the wonderful withdrawal symptoms, especially if you are a frequent energy drink consumer or caffeine user. And if you decide to reach for a new can at this point rather than deal with feeling like crap, you’re just going to perpetuate this lovely cycle. Yayyy.