Even If You’re Not Religious, You’ll Be In Awe Of These Stunning Churches

These gorgeous churches around the world are proof that architecture is never quite as stunning than when it’s created as a physical manifestation of spiritual beliefs (churches, as well as mosques, temples and synagogues). The holy sights welcome tourists to marvel at their beauty, but still function as places of worship. So whether you’re there to say a prayer or snap a pic – these churches are worth a visit.
Las Lajas Sanctuary – Ipiales, Colombia
This canyon basilica is a Gothic wonder, located near the Colombian border with Ecuador.
Church of the Transfiguration – Kizhi Island, Russia
Three hundred miles northeast of St. Petersburg, this church sits on a lake island. And it was built without a single nail.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral – New York City, U.S.
St. Patrick’s is set right into the Manhattan skyline and a welcome respite from the New York bustle.
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood – St. Petersburg, Russia
Right on one of St. Petersburg’s many canals, you’ll find the iconic spires of this colorful cathedral.
Sagrada Familia – Barcelona, Spain
Guadi’s still-unfinished masterpiece is a kaleidoscope on the inside and a landmark in the city.
Matthias Church – Budapest, Hungary
Buda Castle Hill is home to the castle of the same name and the burial place of many members of the Hungarian royalty, Matthias Church.
St. Basil’s Cathedral – Moscow, Russia
The crown jewel of Moscow’s Red Square is technically named Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed, but it’s commonly known as St. Basil’s.