Organic Wine Might Be The Key To Avoiding A Hangover


Wine certainly feels fine in the moment, but when you have one glass too many, you can pay the price the morning after. White wine hangovers can leave you nauseous AF, and red wine hangover headaches are the absolute worst. But what if we told you there’s a way for you to down your favorite bottle without regret?

Over the past couple of years, vino lovers began exploring the world of organic wine and sharing positive findings with the rest of us. One of the keys to making certified organic wine is dramatically reducing the amount of sulfur dioxide (the preservative many winemakers use to prevent the growth of unwanted yeast and bacteria in the finished product) used in the bottling process. Surprise surprise, this preservative is linked to the horrible hangover you can suffer the following day. Organic wines contain only half the maximum legal limit of sulfur dioxide, which is 150 parts per million (ppm), meaning the hangover risk can be dramatically reduced for sulfur-sensitive humans opting for that organic rosé.


Beyond potentially avoiding a hangover, organic wine is also better for the environment since it cuts out the use of artificial and synthetic chemicals found in herbicides and pesticides. Because organic vineyards lean on Mother Nature to work her magic, they have a healthier biodiversity, too.

And last but definitely not least, organic wines even taste better. Think about the difference you notice in the flavor profiles of your organic produce and grass-fed beef (assuming you eat beef) compared to conventional buys. They seem richer, more complex and generally just more delicious. Luckily, organic wine joins this list pretty much every time.

Now, just because it’s certified organic doesn’t mean it’s better for you. Alcohol is alcohol, and we should all be mindful of how much we consume on a regular basis. So enjoy your wine, but don’t forget your trusty friend, water, at the same time.