5 Foods You Should Never Microwave, No Matter What

Coming home after a long day and heating up leftovers is a standard American routine at this point, but at what cost? Some foods are never meant to be microwaved as they may emit chemical properties that are harmful to your health, according to the Food Standards Agency. These non-microwaveable foods shouldn’t be zapped at all costs:
1. Chicken

Sad, but true. Most of the time, we reheat chicken until it’s warm, right? You should heat it all the way through to piping hot in the center. Otherwise, you may have digestive issues.
2. Mushrooms

Mushrooms can be tricky, specifically because they’re meant to be eaten right after they’re prepared. Their proteins can break down in the microwave, which can wreak havoc on your gut.
3. Celery

While celery has many nutritious properties, whether raw or sautéed with other veggies, it also has nitrates that can turn toxic when microwaved.
4. Eggs

It doesn’t sound to appetizing to reheat eggs in the microwave, which is great because the proteins in them will also break down and give you a pretty bad stomachache.
5. Rice

Toa Heftiba / Unsplash
Depending on how you store it, rice may be okay to reheat. Do not leave your rice out for more than an hour after cooking though, specifically because spores of bacteria live on even after rice is reheated. If left out before refrigerating, the spores will multiply and cause food poisoning.
Be careful about how you reheat foods, or whether you even want to take the chance. We know we’ll be using our ovens and stovetops to reheat more often.