Google’s Breaking Out New Tools For Travelers. Here’s How To Use Them.

Google Flights is our favorite procrastination tool. Searching for the cheapest flights to the best far-off destinations is our kryptonite. And now, Google has rolled out even more helpful tools to make travel a digital dream.
Flights and Hotels
If you need a flight to a destinationĀ andĀ a hotel in that destination, you can search for both at the same time. Heading to Barcelona? When you search for flights to Spain on your phone, you’ll also see an option to view hotels in the area.
Flight Comparisons
You know all that mystery with basic economy and economy plus on different airlines? Well, Google is here to demystify. You can now compare what your ticket will include on Delta to what you get on United, without having to examine each airline’s fine print on its own individual website.
Flight Booking
Certain flights can be booked directly through Google, instead of redirecting travelers to airline websites or third-party booking sites such as Priceline, Kayak or Expedia.
Cell Phone Service
Google’s Project Fi is a $20 a month cell service in locations around the world. Now the service will scan travelers’ Gmail accounts to find upcoming flights and send them notifications if Project Fi is available in their destinations.
Color-Coordinated Maps
While this update isn’t breaking news (it premiered in November 2017), you might not have been giving this Google Maps innovation its due. Google color-coded attractions, so when you’re browsing a map of an unfamiliar destination, you’ll be able to easily differentiate between a church (aqua blue), a cafe (orange) and a park (green).