7/26/19 Newsletter: Must-try Ceiling Fan Hack

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1. Life Hack Of The Day: Ceiling Fan Edition
If you haven’t done so already, change the direction of your ceiling fan blades. Summer’s direction is counterclockwise to push cool air down while winter blades should be clockwise to pull cool air up and away. Do this with the change of each season to keep the air moving.
2. Workout of the Week: Seated Twist
The seated twist is one of the gifts of yoga’s beauty. Come to the middle-edge of your chair. Place your soles on a mat, keeping the upper body straight. Bend yourself leftward to hold the chair’s top rail with the left hand while making sure the hips and legs are still in the original state. Place your right palm on your left knee. The pose should be repeated on the other side as well. A different way of twisting the body is reaching your arms to the sky and bending the body in either direction. This is fantastic practice for putting the body and mind in a zone of relaxation. [Swirled]
3. R&R: Honey Lemon Mask
Every skin type can benefit from a honey lemon mask — and it’s so easy. Combine the juice of a half of a lemon with two teaspoons of honey until its even. Apply the mask to your face, sit back and relax for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, pat your face dry and apply a good moisturizer. Honey and lemon can help with a ton of skin conditions including dryness, acne, redness and more. [Urban Bush Babes]
4. Recipe of the Day: Garlic Ice Cream
Kick off the Gilroy Garlic Festival with a fan favorite — garlic ice cream. Hear us out, the annual festival in the “Garlic Capital of the World” highlights the favorite crop in a ton of different ways, including ice cream. Combine milk, one garlic clove, a vanilla bean in a saucepan and boil Remove from heat. In a separate bowl, whisk cream, sugar and egg yolks and while whisking constantly, strain the hot milk into the egg and sugar. Return to the heat and stir over low heat until it thickens. Chill and churn in an ice cream machine until it’s scoopable. You’ve got this licked. [The Spruce Eats]
5. Dream Destination: Cape May, NJ
One of the most treasured spots on the East Coast is Cape May. Situated at the very bottom on New Jersey, Cape May is a picturesque beach town that’s known for bed & breakfasts as well as walkability. The beach is a must, but you should also check out the great restaurants, try your hand at fishing or visit the Nature Center of Cape May as well as the Cape May Bird Observatory. [CapeMay.com]
6. Wild Card: 7 Thirst-Quenching Watermelon Cocktails You’ll Love
Shake up the warm weather with our list of seven cocktails featuring watermelon. My personal fave? The watermelon mojito — a combo of fresh mint, watermelon, rum, lime juice and a splash of simple syrup. Check out all the recipes and find your fave. [Swirled]
Editors’ Picks
Cool Kitchen Products: If you want to upgrade your kitchen with some sleek and chic items, but are hesitant to lay down your dollars, look no further. These gadgets will make any takeout enthusiast excited to step in the kitchen and cook up some new creations.
Must-try Grill Tools: There’s no better time than now to upgrade your grill game. From an apron that hides all the stains to our pick for the best charcoal grill, we’ve got you covered so you can master the grill.
Pamper Your Puppy Sweepstakes: Enter now for a chance to win a care package full of dog treats and goodies for your new pup! Prizes include:
$200 The Dog Bakery gift certificate
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$249 King Kanine gift pack that includes pet shampoo, paw cleaner, paw moisturizer, 3 CBD Treats, and their highest CBD concentration
$250 Visa Gift Card from the Friday Fluff team
Welcome home your new family member the right way. Enter now!
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