Study Reveals The Top 10 Millennial Cities In The U.S.

Unsplash/Kendyle Nelsen
Millennials may rule when it comes to avocado toast and all things tech, but not every city harbors a thriving millennial population. And while we appreciate and respect older generations, sometimes we just wanna be where the young people are. Politico teamed up with Stateline at the Pew Charitable Trusts to determine in which U.S. cities millennials are having the maximum impact. While San Francisco tops the list, surprising locations like Jersey City and Oakland also made the cut.
The study used data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey spanning 2012 to 2016, focusing on millennials between the ages of 25 and 34 in cities with populations over 200,000.
It’s noteworthy that factors like what percent millennials make up of each city’s population, the GDP of each city and the timing of when millennials moved to each city was taken into account.

Unsplash/Daniel McCullough
The concentration of adults aged 25 to 34 years old in each city determined 32 percent of the rankings. Economic output was also weighted 32 percent. (Politico explains that it chose to measure GDP because it’s indicative of strong communities with career opportunities, which millennials need).
The last 36 percent took into account three factors: the number of 25-to-34-year-olds with college degrees in each city, the number of millennials who use alternative commuting methods like walking or public transportation and the number of people in the same age group who reported moving to that city in the last year.
Based on their research, Politico and Stateline ranked the most millennial cities in the country. Below are the top 10. Head over to Politico for the full list.
1. San Francisco, California
Fun fact: The median income of millennials in San Fran is a whopping $120,000.
2. Boston, Massachusetts
3. Washington, D.C.
4. Jersey City, New Jersey
Fun fact: Only 18 percent of millennials who live in Jersey City have a college degree.
5. Seattle, Washington
6. Denver, Colorado
7. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fun fact: 14 percent of millennials living in Minneapolis moved there within the last 12 months.
8. Oakland, California
9. Austin, Texas
10. Portland, Oregon
Fun fact: Job growth in Portland jumped 17 percent from 2012 to 2016.
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