11 Sugary Secrets You Didn’t Know About Krispy Kreme

Ah, Krispy Kreme. That sweet, fresh pastry smell that makes you want to abandon all of your morals and take a box of cream-filled sugar-glazed donuts to the face. If you have ever wished there was a candle that could make this scent a reality, well, there is. The American donut company and coffeehouse chain is based in Winston-Salem North Carolina, but you’ll find Krispy Kreme all around the country. Here are 11 sugary secrets you didn’t know about Krispy Kreme.
1. It’s A Southern Recipe
The founder of Krispy Kreme, Vernon Rudolph, bought the yeast-raised donut recipe from a New Orleans chef when he opened the business in 1937. Even though Krispy Kreme is transparent with its baking techniques, the top-secret donut recipe is kept inside the company’s vault at the plant in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
2. Krispy Kreme Inspired A Rapper
Food can be a powerful source of musical inspiration. Back in 2012, a young rapper named Tyler Stephen Cassidy, whose street name is Krispy Kreme, took the internet by storm when his music video called “The Baddest” got about 11 million views. The donut company wasn’t a big fan of the rapper using the name and called up Cassidy’s father at the time, saying it was trademark infringement. To avoid a legal dispute, the rapper changed his name to Froggy Fresh.
3. The Donut Chain Originally Sold Pizza
The beloved spot for all things hot, sweet, fried and glazed sold pizza at one point. Once the North Carolina-based chain perfected its secret donut recipe, the pizza biz reached its endpoint and we’re grateful for the focus on donuts.
4. People Use Krispy Kreme Donuts As Savory Buns
Krispy Kreme donuts aren’t just for dessert. Over the years, restaurants and chefs around the country have capitalized on the fluffy glazed donuts for savory sandwiches. Chicken Charlie’s — a legendary fair vendor in San Diego that’s known for its outlandish food combinations — created a Krispy Kreme burger, a Krispy Kreme sloppy joe and a Krispy Kreme ice cream chicken sandwich. ‘MERICA.
6. The Glazed Donut Recipe Hasn’t Changed Since 1937
You know what they say, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. The iconic glazed donut at Krispy Kreme has remained the same ever since the franchise first began selling donuts in 1937. In 2007, the company began selling whole wheat-glazed donuts in an attempt to appeal to the more health-conscious customers.
7. There’s Only One New York City Location
New Yorkers love their donuts, but Krispy Kreme doesn’t seem to capitalize on this in the Big Apple. Maybe having only one location makes the longtime donut franchise more appealing to New Yorkers? The only New York City location of Krispy Kreme is located in Penn Station. It’s pretty perfect when you’re traveling to or from Manhattan and you want some donuts for the road.
7. There’s An Annual Krispy Kreme Challenge
This annual charity event, the Krispy Kreme Challenge, has participants run a 2.5-mile course that leads to a Krispy Kreme shop. You have to eat one dozen donuts and run back to the finish line in under one hour for a total of five miles. All of the proceeds from the race are donated to North Carolina Children’s Hospital.
8. There Are 2,400 Donuts In The Largest Box Of Krispy Kreme
There are 2,400 glazed Krispy Kreme donuts, called the Double Hundred Dozen, stuffed into a single box that’s 11.4 feet by three feet. It took eight Krispy Kreme workers to deliver the giant box, which altogether is about half a million calories. YIKES.
9. You Can Order A Custom-Made Wedding Cake
Who needs to order an elaborately detailed wedding cake from a top-notch pastry chef when you can order a custom-made cake through Krispy Kreme? You can get anything from an eight-tier donut tower to few dozen variety boxes for your party guests. This doesn’t have to be just a wedding thing, any special occasion in your life is going to be better with a donut cake.
10. There’s A Krispy Kreme App
You now that magical feeling when you get to a donut shop and a fresh batch was just taken out of the oven? Well, Krispy Kreme has an app called the Hot Light app that notifies customers when piping hot donuts have just been baked fresh. Pretty genius.
11. Public Figures And Celebrities Eat There
It’s clear that Obama has good taste when it comes to what he eats, so it’s no surprise that he was caught picking up three-dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. Obama shook hands, bought some kids jelly donuts and brought three-dozen donuts to a local fire station. Retired basketball star Shaquille O’Neal loves Krispy Kreme so much that he owns a franchise in Atlanta and he’s looking to expand.