Jawzrsize Is By Far The Weirdest Workout We’ve Ever Seen


There are exercises out there to help strengthen virtually any muscle in the body. Those quads? Bring on the squats. That core? Planks are your friend. Your jaw and neck? Well, Jawzrcize.

This new viral workout trend is easily one of the most bizarre things we’ve ever seen, but it’s also one of the first pieces equipment we’ve come across that’s specifically tailored to strengthening the jaw and neck muscles. For some, this means ditching an unwanted double chin. For others, this means successful rehabilitation after a surgery. It might look menacing, but it’s also pretty damn effective.

Jawzrcize inventor and CEO Brandon Harris felt inspired to bring this fitness product to the market after a major motorcycle accident left him in a coma for two weeks with his jaw wired shut. As an MMA fighter, he desperately needed a way to not just heal but strengthen one of his formerly tough features, and when he couldn’t find one, he created his own solution.

Referred to as “fitness 4 your face,” Jawzrcize is supposed to help give you a natural facelift with a simple 5-minutes-a-day strength routine. Similar to a nighttime mouthguard that prevents teeth grinding, all you have to do is drop the ball into boiling water and then bite into the malleable strips while they’re hot to create a unique mold of your mouth. From there, the device will stay in place every time you chomp into your jaw exercises. It even comes with a stretchy necklace so you never lose it.

Jawzrsize comes in a variety of resistance levels, too, so you can train and train until you have the chiseled, youthful jawline you crave. (Too much?) We just might recommend chewing on this chunk of silicone in the comfort of your own home rather than on the beach in broad daylight like these folks. But hey, it’s totally up to you.

[h/t VT]