10 Things Only Introverts Will Understand

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Urban Dictionary describes an introvert in the following ways:
“An introvert enjoys time alone without unwanted distractions and stimulation in order to recharge their inner strength.”
“I am a serious introvert. The last time I was home alone for 8 hours was the happiest time I had experienced for months.”
An introvert’s natural shy state can often be misunderstood as unfriendly or rude when in reality, they have a ton of thoughts and ideas running through their mind. Introverts (the opposite of extroverts, which are people who often enjoy more constant socialization and tend to be more naturally expressive) are generally more thoughtful, creative, and really good listeners, but a common case of RBF (resting bitch face) can lead to some wrongful assumptions and misplaced judgment. Just give an introvert a couple hours of alone time to recharge before submerging them in any kind of party situation. Here are 10 things only introverts will understand.
1. You’re relieved when someone cancels on you. In fact, you may even be excited for some extra alone time after a long day, especially if it involved socializing.
2. You prefer solo shopping. If you’re an introvert, you probably have strong opinions and don’t like other people’s views to get in the way of your decision making. When you go shopping alone, you get to go with your instincts without second guessing yourself.
3. You’ve mastered the Irish exit. When the thought of having to say goodbye to each individual person you’re with sounds like death, instead you just say you’re “getting a drink” or “going to the bathroom” and slip away into the night.
4. What you say doesn’t always reflect what you’re actually thinking. Introverts tend to be like an onion with many layers to discover. While an introvert might not seem like the most talkative person in the room, they love meaningful one-on-one conversations and connecting with people on a personal level. Once you break through the emotional walls of an introvert, there’s no going back.
5. It upsets you when people assume you’re anti-social. You should never judge someone purely based on a first impression and when it comes to introverts, this applies even more. While an introvert might interact less, it doesn’t mean they aren’t friendly. Don’t assume someone doesn’t want to hang out just because they don’t reach out. That person might be comfortable hanging out alone, but they’ll be really receptive when someone else makes the first move.
6. When you stay up late every night because that’s the only way you’ll have alone time. When you live with roommates who are on similar work schedules, alone time is rare. Sometimes the only way to get that much needed quiet time (and full control over the TV) is to stay up after everyone goes to bed.

Flickr/Anna Maria Liljestrand
7. You talk to yourself on a regular basis. Since introverts usually have a million thoughts racing through their minds and often like to be alone, it’s pretty common that they might have conversations with themselves. This is actually a good thing because expressing feelings out loud can help to clarify thoughts. Don’t be embarrassed if you like talking to yourself, everyone does it.
8. When people make you feel weird for wanting to do things on your own. In today’s social media-obsessed world, we’re never truly alone. Extroverts might want company for all kinds of errands and activities, while introverts might prefer to fly solo. Being comfortable with yourself and enjoying your own company is a good thing, so try and let friends do their own thing without judgment.

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9. You hate small talk. A lot of introverts avoid small talk like the plague because it feels emotionally draining, fake and pointless. They would way rather have a genuine in-depth conversation with someone they like. According to an article by Diane Cameron, “introverts crave meaning,” so small talk can get annoying and tedious.
10. When guilt forces you to socialize. You might prefer to stay home in your sweats and watch a movie, but a lot of introverts have FOMO (fear of missing out) when they see their friends doing something fun without them. Rather than staying in one’s comfort zone, this feeling of guilt can cause an internal debate for an introvert over how they want to spend their time.
At the end of the day, an introvert is his or her own best friend, and that’s pretty cool.