Posting Food On Insta Could Help You Hit Your Health And Diet Goals

Unsplash/Brooke Lark

If your Instagram is packed with photos of your brunch excursions and homemade recipes, you may be doing yourself a huge favor. And, one that goes beyond achieving foodie status. According to a new study, documenting your daily meals can help you stick to your healthy eating and dieting goals.


StudyFinds reports that researchers at the University of Washington found a correlation between healthy eating habits of active dieters and how frequently they posted photos of their meals on Instagram. Beyond serving as a dietary journal, and one that tracks your progress, it allows your family and friends to support your effort.

Researchers interviewed 16 women who use Instagram for that purpose and asked them to post photos of all their meals using the hashtag #fooddiary or #foodjournal. Participants followed each other on Instagram to help monitor each other’s progress.

Eaters Collective / Unsplash

They discovered that dieters would help each other to identify exceptionally healthy meals, as well as portions that appear larger than normal. The platform facilitated easy communication between the community and poster.

Participants shared with the researchers that they felt more accountable by having a social following observe their progress. They also expanded their network with the use of the hashtags.