5 Genius Ice Tray Hacks You Wish You Knew Sooner

Nailed It / Youtube
We’d do anything to find more kitchen shortcuts that make our lives significantly easier…which is why we’re showing you what could possibly be one of the best hacks ever. These insane ice cube tray hacks are serious game changers. The best part: you already have one of these babies in your freezer, so get hacking.
1. Make refreshing spa water with fruity ice cubes.

mom.me / Youtube
2. Preserve your herbs in olive oil or butter and freeze for later use.

Nailed It / Youtube
3. Make the best smoothie by pureeing your favorite fruits and freezing them.

Mom.me / Youtube
4. Form perfectly portioned, homemade ravioli in no time.

Tastemade / Youtube
5. Make a killer, not-watered-down iced coffee by freezing your coffee.

Nailed It / Youtube