5 Amazing Reasons Why The Stall Bar Should Be Your New Fitness BFF

The first time you walk into a barre class and see the stall bar — the wide, ladder-like contraption against the wall — it’s hard not to immediately think, “WTF is this? A modern-day torture device?” And those feelings of panic only grow stronger as the instructor encourages you, a newbie, to step up to the bar and stretch it out.
But what if you had walked in knowing about all of the incredible ways this set of horizontal wooden poles can benefit the human body? You’d be playing an entirely different ballgame and feeling way more excited than terrified. So, for the next time you sign up for a barre workout, here are several reasons why you should embrace (rather than fear) that stall bar.
1. It builds some serious strength throughout the entire body.
Just look at that human flag! While you try to wrap your head around how the body could even do such a thing, know that there are dozens of bodyweight strength training moves you can do on the stall bar that build some intense strength in your core, legs, arms and shoulders all while increasing the mobility of your joints. And don’t worry — there are much more reasonable starting points than this move. (Just wow.)
2. It’s also one of the best stretching tools ever invented.
You don’t have do anything crazy fancy to get a good stretch on the stall bar, and we’re pretty sure this is more of what your barre instructor had in mind when she told you to try out in the first place. Simply free hanging on the stall bar can release all sorts of kinks and tension in the spine, shoulders and neck. There’s no better way to start a workout if you ask us.
3. It provides the perfect leverage to make some big flexibility gains.
On that stretching note, the stall bar can help you lift and twist your body into deeper stretches than you can’t typically achieve on the floor, meaning your flexibility is getting a major upgrade. Just look at that standing split situation! Gravity is helping her body in big ways while also helping her work on her upper body strength. Talk about goals.
4. It corrects even the worst posture and alignment issues.
Fun fact: The original use of the stall bar was to help treat disorders like arthritis and scoliosis because of how hanging upside down on it could help alleviate pain. These women might slightly resemble sleeping bats, but they’re working wonders for the alignment of their spinal cords. And all of the core and upper body work other moves require does amazing things for your posture, too.
5. It promotes that coveted mind-body connection we all desperately desire.
At the end of the day, there’s a reason why ballerinas and gymnasts are so damn graceful — they have perfected the mind-body connection and understand how to move their bodies with intention. That’s why they have the ability to hold their bodies on a stall bar and make even the smallest articulations of movement without collapsing to the floor. It’s truly awe-inspiring.