Try This Life-Changing Hack The Next Time You Lose A Contact Lens

All the folks out there who aren’t blessed with 20/20 vision know that moving through our daily lives is automatically that much harder. Regardless of whether you’re near-sighted or far-sighted, relying on contact lenses and glasses to navigate the world always leaves us vulnerable to the inevitable possibility that we could find ourselves stranded without access to either one.
But there is a fun way around this disaster scenario, thanks to the fact that we’re all pretty much tethered to our smartphones. Enter: your phone’s camera lens.
On that fateful day that you lose a contact lens (or two) and forget to throw your glasses in your bag for backup, your phone camera can help you refocus the blurry world around you no matter how poor your vision may be. Just open the camera feature and take in the view in all of its crisp and clear glory. Think of it as your modern-day monocle.

Now, this does mean you’re going to have to walk around holding your phone up in front of your face until you can snag a new pair of contacts or commute home and grab your glasses, and it could look a little bizarre. But hey, that’s a small and temporary price to pay for the gift of clear vision in an otherwise blinding situation.
Also, this is probably the only time we’ll ever condone staring at your phone for an extended period of time — especially when crossing streets, navigating stairs and who knows what else. So enjoy it while you can, friends.