You Can Stay In This Tiny Helicopter Hotel Room


Do you enjoy glamping? More importantly, are you willing to try something totally out there? This helicopter hotel room combines all the best of glamping and minimalist living. If you’re imagining a cramped space, you’ll just have to see this luxurious room for yourself.

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Situated in Stirling, Scotland, this Royal Navy helicopter was renovated by Helicopter Glamping, a company dedicated to making the most of small spaces (particularly in helicopters).

The hotel room has a number of luxe features, including a super-plush bed positioned at the tail of the helicopter, a big sliding door looking out into the countryside and a mini kitchen, where you can prepare your morning coffee and a small breakfast. The helicopter comfortably sleeps five.

You can stay in the hotel room for £150 (or around $197) a night. Reserve your vacay in the helicopter here, and make sure to take lots of pics — we guarantee you’ll never stay somewhere like this again.