These 5 Healthy Cocktail Swaps Are Total Game Changers


So you find yourself three margaritas deep at happy hour before you start thinking about how many calories you’ve just consumed. Hmmm, you think, these drinks are sugary… And suddenly, your fun is gone. (Or you ignore your feelings and down another three only to feel really gross the next day.)

If you’re at all concerned about your health, finding healthier cocktail alternatives without sacrificing flavor is like hitting the jackpot. And we’re here to help by showing you five easy ways to cut down on both sugar and calories. That way, you’ll actually enjoy your drinks and feel good about yourself afterward. What a concept.

1. Swap your dirty vodka martini for a shot of vodka on the rocks with an olive.

That martini is a classic, but it’s also sending a whopping 240 calories down the drain. Order a second (or third) and those calories can add up quickly. Instead, ask for a shot of vodka on the rocks and add an olive or two. You’ll be looking at just under 100 calories per drink instead.

2. Trade the fruity rum punch for sangria.

We don’t need to explain how drinking a few cups of rum mixed with pineapple juice, orange juice and who knows what else is a bad idea. All of that sugar is bound to make you feel sick later, so opt for more natural sugars like what you’d find in a slightly less sweet sangria with fresh fruit.

3. Choose drinks with coconut water.

Even moderate alcohol consumption (as few as two drinks) can severely dehydrate you if you don’t drink enough water before happy hour begins. Mixing vodka or white rum with coconut water can help you hydrate while also keeping your beverage on the low-calorie side.

4. Instead of vodka tonic, order vodka soda.

You think you’re already cutting down on calories by choosing a vodka tonic, but you may not realize that tonic water actually has a significant amount of sugar and carbs. On average, a serving of tonic water has 83 calories and 21.5 grams of sugar (ouch) while a serving of soda water has 0 calories and no carbs.

5. Go herb-y.

If you’re in a bar that serves up craft cocktails, you’re sure to find a menu item that packs in the flavor by using fresh basil or mint instead of simple syrup. Make your drink of choice something simply flavored in this way, and kindly ask the bartender to hold the juices and simple syrups.